Freedom Wheelchair Skills gives clients free assessment calls in preparation for the training. The assessment calls are questions designed to help plan the training. Gathering this information has two advantages.
One advantage of the free assessment call is that it helps understand the client’s individual needs, goals, and abilities.
To help understand:
- What skills do clients want to learn?
- What skills do they need to learn?
- What skills will they be able to learn?
Helps with Introductions.
The call also helps with introductions. It is an opportunity for the client to get to know me, understand my personality, and why I teach life-changing wheelchair skills. It’s also a chance for the client to tap into my vast knowledge of living over 30 years with a disability, gathering that peer knowledge.
Virtual or Non-Virtual?
How does the free assessment happen? This free assessment call can be offered through traditional audio communications, such as a phone call, or as technology has advanced, via a video call.
Using video calls for the free assessment call has even more benefits with introductions. Virtual technology for the assessment call will help build trust and develop strong relationships. When meeting virtually, making connections and finding common ground is easier. A virtual assessment will be more focused and productive. There are fewer distractions, and it is better to understand needs accurately.
Who’s Talking?
If the client has any anxieties or conditions that challenge communication, a professional, an OT, Casse Manager, solicitor, or a family member who knows them well can attend in a supportive role.
In what format does the assessment take place?
The assessment is a series of questions that discuss the client’s individual needs, goals, and abilities in a discussion-based format, so it doesn’t feel too formal. The information obtained from the discussion is used to aid in planning the training. It is also a chance to help with introductions, saving time on the day.
Allow 30 to 40 minutes for this to be a relaxed discussion. Assessment calls can be conducted traditionally by audio call or by video call.
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