Disability and sex

Disability, sex and relationships: stopping anxiety getting in the way of love

Disability and sexIn our series on disability, sex and relationships, expert and resident agony aunt Tuppy – who runs Outsiders, a private club for disabled people looking for a relationship – answers your questions. This week she talks about not letting anxiety get in the way of love… Dear Aunty Tuppy I am a middle aged woman …

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Wheelchair user working at a desk

11% of business leaders are apprehensive about recruiting disabled people to senior positions

Wheelchair user working at a deskA poll reveals a majority of business leaders are apprehensive about recruiting disabled people to a senior position. Find out more on the research and the launch of a toolkit that supports employers to improve the representation of disabled people in senior roles.

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Mini tree being held in two hands

Setting up a business to help myself and millions of others with thin skin

Mini tree being held in two handsAcross the world, it’s estimated that millions of people are affected by problems associated with having thin skin, often because of a disability. For those with it, they can become consumed with the fear of dramatically tearing their skin and severely injuring themselves. Sufferer Peter Thornton knows all too well how it can affect someone’s life. …

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Disabled people working

7 out of 10 disabled workers failed by employers

Disabled people workingA staggering 73% of disabled workers in the UK say they have stopped working due to a disability or health condition*, according to new research from disability charity Leonard Cheshire. These latest findings reveal an unacceptably harsh landscape for disabled workers, with: 66% of managers saying the cost of workplace adjustments are a barrier to …

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NHS Staff Can Decide Where Disabled People Live, Even Against Their Choice

The 1970s saw the start (give or take) of the disabled people’s movement in the UK, with the publication of the Policy Statement of the Union of Physically Impaired Segregation (UPIAS) in 1974. Forgiving the outdated language, I like this bit: “The Union’s eventual object is to achieve a situation where as physically impaired people …

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Unreasonable Accommodation

I am 50, diagnosed with Charcot Marie Tooth disease (CMT) in 1992. The condition affects my peripheral nerves, leading to muscular atrophy, chronic fatigue, and a lack of sensation from my fingers to my elbows and from my toes to just above my knees. August 2010 – the posterior cruciate ligaments in my left knee …

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