Streaming service apps - Itv hub, Channel 4, Now TV, Prime Video, Netflix, Disney Plus and My 5 - on a grey background

Petition to make audio description available on ALL films, TV programmes and streaming services

Streaming service apps - Itv hub, Channel 4, Now TV, Prime Video, Netflix, Disney Plus and My 5 - on a grey backgroundA petition has been launched to make audio description (AD) compulsory on all films, TV shows and streaming services. Emma Purcell started the campaign as she felt it was unfair that blind and visually impaired people are missing out on blockbuster films, must-see box sets and classic favourites from past decades.

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Q&A with Matty Gurney

Matty is a deaf Actor and Director. He got involved in theatre production when he first met with George Mann, Co Artistic Director at a workshop in Bush Theatre. They asked Matty to get involved in a project doing research and development on disability hate crime. Since then he has never looked back. I caught …

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Q&A with Hardeep Rai from Kaleidoscope Investments

Hardeep Rai is the founder and Managing Director of Kaleidoscope Investments. An organisation that invests, supports and empowers disabled people to become successful entrepreneurs. His life changed in 2006 when his son Eshan was born… Due to last minute birthing complications there was a lack of oxygen to Eshan’s brain and as a result he …

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Malaga city - accessibility

Guide to accessible holidays in Spain part two: Malaga City

Malaga city - accessibilityPart two of Louise Brace’s rough guide to disabled holidays in Spain, brings us to Malaga city, underrated and sadly overlooked by many tourists, who disembark at Malaga airport and head straight to the resorts along the Costa del Sol. Yet Malaga city, the coastal capital of Andalusia, is a treasure trove of art, culture, …

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Five hands together in a circle holding each other's wrists

How we’re aiming to make the world more inclusive in 2020

Five hands together in a circle holding each other's wristsCo-founder of Disability Horizons, Martyn Sibley, shares his thoughts on the past year and Disability Horizons’ plans for reaching and empowering more disabled people, as well as increasing inclusion and making a difference in 2020. They say a change is as good as a rest. This is absolutely relevant for me right now! I’m writing …

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Guest post: how diversity and empowerment boost business success

Since the dawn of the recession in 2008 employment has been the topic of the loudest conversation on the streets of Britain. Youth unemployment, public sector cuts, redundancy, pensions: these have been the key concerns of the nation for over half a decade, but there is a significant section of society, a thriving and underutilised …

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